Published on
Dec 26, 2024
Updated on
Dec 27, 2024

Improve Your WordPress Site Management with WPMasterToolKit's Updates Logs Module

Maintaining and optimizing WordPress sites often involves monitoring and regularly updating plugins, themes and the WordPress core itself. Keeping track of these updates is crucial to ensuring the security and smooth running of your site. With this in mind, we've developed the Updates Logs integrated into WPMasterToolKit.

Which plugin can Updates Logs replace?

The Updates Logs module can replace several specific update log management plugins, such as "Simple History" or "WP Activity Log". By integrating this functionality directly into WPMasterToolKit, we facilitate management by centralizing several tools into one, while ensuring better performance.

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How the Updates Logs Module works

This module keeps track of updates made to plugins, themes and the core of your WordPress installation. By recording and organizing this information in log files specified by month, it enables the site administrator to consult the history of updates at any time. Each time an update is performed, the module records the previous and new versions of each modified extension.

How to use this module

The Updates Logs module is intuitive to use. Once activated, it adds a new sub-menu item under the WPMasterToolKit settings. This submenu, entitled "Updates Logs", takes you to a page where you can select a specific log file and view its contents. All logs are organized in an easy-to-understand way, allowing you to track the progress of your site.

Admin module Update Logs
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Hooks used to operate the update logs module

To ensure efficiency and security, Updates Logs uses several WordPress hooks. It captures older versions of plugins and themes using the upgrader_package_options and generates complete logs after each update using the upgrader_process_complete.

No database overload with .log files

We have chosen not to store this information in a database for several reasons

  1. Don't burden the database unnecessarily.
  2. Be able to consult the file, even if the site is in error, directly from FTP access.

An .htaccess file is automatically generated to ensure that logs are not publicly accessible. This protects sensitive information about your site.

Where can I find my logs if my site is down?

Generally, when we need to access this information, it's because a bug has occurred on our site, and in some cases our site is inaccessible (error 500, for example).

That's why we've chosen to store this in the form of a log file, to make it easier to quickly understand when an update has been made and from which version to which version.

Here's how to find your logs on your server:

Update logs folder

The logs are monthly, so you won't have many lines to inspect, and you can quickly find the information you're looking for.

Our advice

This module was very lightweight, so we recommend that you always have it active on your installation, so that in the event of a problem, you'll have access to this valuable information that can save you hours of debugging.

In the event of a problem following an update, you'll be able to easily find the old version installed on your WordPress site.

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WPMasterToolKit's Updates Logs module is an essential tool for anyone wishing to keep accurate track of updates made to their WordPress site. Combining functionality and security, this module simplifies update management while ensuring that important changes don't go unnoticed. Use this tool to guarantee the stability and security of your WordPress site.

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