Published on
Dec 17, 2024
Updated on
Jan 02, 2025

Improve Your Site's Performance with WPMasterToolKit's "Disable Windows Live Writer Tag" Module

Did you know that WordPress automatically inserts a <link> in the <head> of your site to support Windows Live Writer (WLW)? Although this tool was useful in the past for writing and publishing articles offline, it's no longer widely used. By removing this unnecessary tag, you can lighten your site and optimize its performance. The module Disable Windows Live Writer Tag in WPMasterToolKit deactivates this tag with a single click.

Why remove the Windows Live Writer tag?

The Windows Live Writer tag, added automatically by WordPress, is of little use to most modern sites:

  • Obsolete use : Windows Live Writer is an aging piece of software that is little used today.
  • Performance: Reduce unnecessary tags in the <head> slightly improves performance and reduces DOM weight.
  • Code cleanup : A cleaner HTML code is always beneficial, especially if you don't use this feature.

Main features of the Disable Windows Live Writer Tag module

  1. Removing the WLW tag : Remove tag <link> associated with Windows Live Writer in the <head> of your site.
  2. Automation : Once activated, the module works immediately without any additional configuration.
  3. Lightweight and efficient: The module is designed to perform this specific task without impacting your site's other functionalities.

How does the module work?

WordPress uses the wlwmanifest_link to automatically add the Windows Live Writer tag. The Disable Windows Live Writer Tag uses a native hook to disable this action:

  • Action remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' ); : Deletes the <link> section <head>.

This behavior is implemented in the functions.php to ensure that this tag is not added, even after a WordPress update.

How do I use the Disable Windows Live Writer Tag module?

  1. Activate the : In the WPMasterToolKit dashboard, activate the module Disable Windows Live Writer Tag.
  2. Automation : Once activated, the module automatically removes the WLW tag from the <head>.
  3. Take advantage of a streamlined code: Check the source of your site for the WLW tag.

Use cases

  • Modern sites : If you're not using Windows Live Writer, there's no reason to keep this tag.
  • Improving SEO : Although the impact is small, cleaner HTML code is better seen by search engines.
  • High-performance sites : Each micro-optimization contributes to a better user experience, especially for high-traffic sites.

Technical documentation: the hook used

The module relies on a key action to remove the Windows Live Writer tag:

  1. Action remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' );
    This action removes the <link> automatically added by WordPress for Windows Live Writer.
    Example: remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wlwmanifest_link' );

Our technical choices

  • Future compatibility : Since WordPress 6.3.0, the Windows Live Writer tag has already been removed. This module is useful for users of earlier versions.
  • Simplicity: The module introduces no complexity or dependencies. Once activated, it runs in the background with no impact on other functionalities.
  • Performance: Even if the impact is minimal, deleting unnecessary tags is always a good practice.
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The module Disable Windows Live Writer Tag from WPMasterToolKit is a simple and effective solution for removing obsolete functionality from your WordPress site. If you don't use Windows Live Writer, there's no point in keeping this tag. <link>. Activate this module to slightly improve your site's performance and clean up your HTML code.

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≤ 1.3.0
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