Boost your WordPress with just one plugin!
WPMasterToolKit the all-in-one plugin that simplifies the management of your WordPress by bringing together all the essential tools in a single intuitive dashboard.
Boost your site's performance and security, without the complexity of multiple plugins.

How our
Plugin works
🧩 Activate the plugin
Install WPMasterToolKit in just a few clicks.
✅ Choose your features
Activate only the modules you need, nothing superfluous.
🧹 Do the housework
Deactivate and delete old plugins that are no longer needed.
High Performance
WPMasterToolKit is ultra-light: with 0 active modules, it has virtually no impact on your resources. Activate only the features you need, for a site that's always fast and optimized.
Memory usage
- Average memory usage is 2.88 Kb
- Less than 99% plugins
Page speed
- Average page load time increased by 0.05 s
- It's faster than 99% of plugins
From modules designed for everyone: optimize your site's performance with reduced loading times, reinforce security to counter malicious attacks, and manage everything easily thanks to an intuitive interface accessible even to non-technical users.
What's more, WPMasterToolKit is constantly evolving: new modules are already being developed to meet your future needs.
Hide Admin Notices
Improve user experience on admin pages by gathering all notifications in a popup (opened by clicking on the bell at the top right).
Updates Logs
Track and record the most recent login activity of site users, then showcase the date and time in the users list table
ProHide Admin Bar
Hide the admin bar on the front end of your website for either specific user roles or all users.
Last Login Column
Track and record the most recent login activity of site users, then showcase the date and time in the users list table
SVG Upload
Enhance media library functionality to support the seamless uploading of SVG files.
Open All External Links in New Tab
Ensure that all external links within post content open in a new browser tab by implementing the "target="_blank"" attribute. Additionally, enhance security and SEO advantages by including the "rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"" attribute.
Allow Menu Custom Links to Open in New Tab
You can enable custom link menu items to open in a separate browser tab with just a simple checkbox. Additionally, to reinforce security and improve SEO performance, we've implemented the "rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow"" attribute for these links.
Auto-Publish Posts with Missed Schedule
Automatically initiate the publication of scheduled posts marked with "missed schedule" upon each visit to the website, across all post types.
Code Snippets
Add custom code snippets to your website without the need to edit the theme's functions.php file. This feature is especially useful for adding custom CSS, JavaScript, and PHP code to your website. For disable all snippets, add this line to your wp-config.php: define('WPMASTERTOOLKIT_SNIPPETS_SAFE_MODE', true);
Disable Comments
Manage the visibility of comments on your public posts by selectively disabling them for specific post types or across all posts. Once comments are disabled, any existing comments will seamlessly disappear from the front-end.
ProDisable Feeds
Completely deactivate RSS, Atom, and RDF feeds across your website. This entails disabling feeds for various content elements, such as posts, categories, tags, comments, authors, and search. Additionally, it erases any remaining references to feed URLs from the <head> section of your web pages.
Disable Gutenberg
Deactivate the Gutenberg block editor selectively, allowing you to control its usage for specific or all relevant post types.
Disable wp_mail
Disable the wp_mail function, which is used by WordPress to send emails. This feature is useful for websites that do not send emails, as it prevents the wp_mail function from loading and consuming resources.
Hide WordPress Version
Hide the WordPress version from the source code.
Disallow WP File Edit
Prevent the modification of your website's core files through the WordPress admin panel.
Disable XML-RPC
Enhance your website's security by fortifying it against brute force, (DoS) and (DDoS) attacks through advanced XML-RPC protection. In addition, our solution proactively disables trackbacks and pingbacks, bolstering your site's defense mechanisms.
Disallow register user
Prevent the creation of new user accounts on your website with the native WordPress registration form.
Lock Site URL
Prevent the modification of the site URL on your website.
Lock Admin Email
Prevent the modification of the admin email address on your website.
Blacklisted Usernames
Prevent the creation of new user accounts with predifined blacklisted usernames. Blacklist usernames that are too common.
Force Strong Password
Enforce the use of strong passwords for all users on your website. This feature is especially useful for websites with multiple users, as it ensures that all users have a strong password that is difficult to guess or crack.
Move Login URL
Change the default login URL to a custom URL of your choice.
Two Factor Authentication
Add an extra layer of security to your website by enabling two-factor authentication for all users.
ProHide Login Errors
Hide the default WordPress login errors that appear when an incorrect username or password is entered.
Disallow Theme Upload
Disable zip file uploads for themes, which are used to install themes on your website.
Disallow Plugin Upload
Disable zip file uploads for plugins, which are used to install plugins on your website.
Disallow Access WP Sensible Files
Delete the wp-config-sample.php, block access to readme.html, license.txt
ProDisallow Countries IP
Include/Exclude countries IP
ProDisallow Dir Listing
Disable the listing of the directories.
Manage Admin Emails Notifications
Disable admin emails notifications.
ProDisable WP Sitemap
Disable the default WordPress sitemap feature, which was introduced in WordPress 5.5.
Force Send All Email To
Force all emails sent from your website to be sent to a specific email address. This feature is useful for testing email functionality on your website, as it ensures that all emails are sent to a single email address.
ProPlugin Download
Download plugins from the plugins page in the WordPress admin panel.
ProDisallow Malicious File Access in upload
Protect your website from malicious file access in the upload directory.
Disable cart fragments scripts
Disable cart fragments scripts on the front-end for public site visitors. This might break the functionality of the cart and checkout pages if they depend on cart fragments.
Revisions Control
Avoid overloading the database by setting a cap on the number of revisions to save for certain or all types of posts that support revisions.
Disable emoji support
Disable emoji support for pages, posts and custom post types on the admin and frontend. The support is primarily useful for older browsers that do not have native support for it. Most modern browsers across different OSes and devices now have native support for it.
Disable dashicons CSS and JS files
Disable loading of Dashicons CSS and JS files on the front-end for public site visitors. This might break the layout or design of custom forms, including custom login forms, if they depend on Dashicons. Make sure to check those forms after disabling.
Disable WordPress shortlink <link> tag
Disable the default WordPress shortlink <link> tag in <head>. Ignored by search engines and has minimal practical use case. Usually, a dedicated shortlink plugin or service is preferred that allows for nice names in the short links and tracking of clicks when sharing the link on social media.
Disable Really Simple Discovery (RSD) <link> tag
Disable loading of Dashicons CSS and JS files on the front-end for public site visitors. This might break the layout or design of custom forms, including custom login forms, if they depend on Dashicons. Make sure to check those forms after disabling.
Disable Windows Live Writer (WLW) manifest <link> tag
Disable the Windows Live Writer (WLW) manifest <link> tag in <head>. The WLW app was discontinued in 2017.
Disable Block-Based Widgets Settings Screen
Disable block-based widgets settings screen. Restores the classic widgets settings screen when using a classic (non-block) theme. This has no effect on block themes.
Custom Body Class
Add custom <body> class(es) on the singular view of some or all public post types.
Redirect After Logout
Set custom redirect URL for all or some user roles after logout.
Redirect After Login
Set custom redirect URL for all or some user roles after login.
Wider Admin Menu
Give the admin menu more room to better accommodate wider items.
Disable Dashboard Widgets
Clean up and speed up the dashboard by completely disabling some or all widgets. Disabled widgets won't load any assets nor show up under Screen Options.
Disallow Bad Requests
Protect your site against a wide range of threats. check all incoming traffic and quietly blocks bad requests containing nasty stuff like eval(, base64_, and excessively long request-strings.
Auto Regenerate Salt Keys
WordPress salt keys or security keys are codes that help protect important information on your website.
Hide PHP Versions
Some servers send a header called X-Powered-By that contains the PHP version used on your site. It may be a useful information for attackers, and should be removed.
Nav Menu Visibility
Control your nav menu by allowing you to apply visibility controls to menu.
Export Users
Download your user data to a .csv format.
Clean Profiles
Tidy up user profiles by removing sections you do not utilise.
Quick Add Post
A new button to quickly add new posts to speed up your workflow.
Export Posts & Pages
Download your posts and pages to a .csv format.
Duplicate Menu
Easily duplicate your WordPress Menus
Child theme generator
A simple tool to generate a child theme on your WordPress. You can disable it after generation.
Redirect 404 to Homepage
Sends visitors to your homepage if they try to access a page that doesn't exist, ensuring they stay on your site.
Maintenance Mode
Show a customizable maintenance page on the frontend while performing a brief maintenance to your site. Logged-in administrators can still view the site as usual.
Password Protection
Password-protect the entire site to hide the content from public view and search engine bots / crawlers. Logged-in administrators can still access the site as usual.
Content Duplication
Enable one-click duplication of pages, posts and custom posts. The corresponding taxonomy terms and post meta will also be duplicated.
Post Per Page
Specifying the number of posts to display per page, for each post type.
Content Order
Enable custom ordering of various "hierarchical" content types or those supporting "page attributes". A new 'Order' sub-menu will appear for enabled content type(s).
External Permalinks
Enable pages, posts and/or custom post types to have permalinks that point to external URLs. The rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" attribute will also be added for enhanced security and SEO benefits.
Meta Debugger
Display all metadata for a post, user, term, or comment.
Clean Up Admin Bar
Remove various elements from the admin bar.
Enhance List Tables
Improve the usefulness of listing pages for various post types and taxonomies, media, comments and users by adding / removing columns and elements.
Log In/Out Menu
Enable log in, log out and dynamic log in/out menu item for addition to any menu.
Custom Admin CSS
Add custom CSS on all admin pages for all user roles.
Custom Frontend CSS
Add custom CSS on all frontend pages for all user roles.
Insert <head>, <body> and <footer> Code
Easily insert <meta>, <link>, <script> and <style> tags, Google Analytics, Tag Manager, AdSense, Ads Conversion and Optimize code, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter pixels, etc.
Manage ads.txt and app-ads.txt
Easily edit and validate your ads.txt and app-ads.txt content.
Manage robots.txt
Easily edit and validate your robots.txt content.
Disable REST API
Disable REST API access for non-authenticated users and remove URL traces from <head>, HTTP headers and WP RSD endpoint.
Disable All Updates
Completely disable core, theme and plugin updates and auto-updates. Will also disable update checks, notices and emails.
Obfuscate Author Slugs
Obfuscate publicly exposed author page URLs that shows the user slugs / usernames, e.g. into, and output 404 errors for the original URLs. Also obfuscates in /wp-json/wp/v2/users/ REST API endpoint.
Obfuscate Email Addresses
Obfuscate email address to prevent spam bots from harvesting them, but make it readable like a regular email address for human visitors, using shortcode [wpm_obfuscate email="" display="newline"]
Image Upload Control
Resize newly uploaded, large images to a smaller dimension and delete originally uploaded files. BMPs and non-transparent PNGs will be converted to JPGs and resized.
Heartbeat Control
Modify the interval of the WordPress heartbeat API or disable it on admin pages, post creation/edit screens and/or the frontend. This will help reduce CPU load on the server.
Limit Login Attempts
Prevent brute force attacks by limiting the number of failed login attempts allowed per IP address.
Block User Registration from Disposable Email
Block user registration from disposable email addresses. Disposable email addresses are temporary email addresses that are used to register on websites that require email verification.
Ban Emails
Ban the chosen emails.
SMTP Mailer
Set custom sender name and email. Optionally use external SMTP service to ensure notification and transactional emails from your site are being delivered to inboxes.
Protect Website Headers
Add security headers quickly to your site to protect it from threats such as phishing attacks, data theft and more.
Prevent User Enumeration
Prevent user enumeration via ?author=X and REST API /users/ endpoints.
File Manager
Browser and manage your files efficiently and easily.
Disable jQuery Migrate
Removes the jQuery Migrate script from the frontend of your site.
Plugin & Theme Rollback
Revert to previous versions of any theme or plugin from
Multiple User Roles
Enable assignment of multiple roles during user account creation and editing. This maybe useful for working with roles not defined in WordPress core, e.g. from e-commerce or LMS plugins.
A full-featured database management tool.
Apple Touch Icon
Manage app icon (Apple Touch Icon) individually. Once activated, go to Settings / General for change your Apple Touch icon without impact your favicon.
Local avatars
Replaces GRAVATAR management with media management.
Auto clean actionscheduler_actions
Clean actionscheduler_actions database table from actions that have been completed | failed | cancelled.
ProCRON Manager
Manage cron events on your website.
ProHook And Filter Debugger
Displaying the sequence of action and filter hooks by their origin on a single page.
ProChange Database Prefix
Quickly change your WordPress database prefix to save time and enhance security.
ProUser Switching
Instant switching between user accounts.
ProMedia Encoder
Automatically converts images to WebP when they are uploaded to the media library.
Media Cleaner
Automatically sanitize uploaded file names by removing special characters, and streamline media management by auto-generating key metadata fields (title, caption, alt text, and description) directly from the cleaned file name.
Paste Image In Media
With this feature you can paste directly your picture in WordPress media.
ProAdd Essentials Shortcodes
Insert dynamic variables into your titles and content via shortcodes.
Pro410 Manager
Managing HTTP 410 statuses on your site. The 410 status indicates that the requested resource has been permanently deleted and that this deletion is intentional and final.
ProNo Plugin Activation / Deactivation / Deletion
Prevents plugin activation, deactivation, and deletion for enhanced security.
ProLink Shortener
Shorten your links with a custom prefix. You can also track the number of clicks on each link.
Pro"As a WordPress expert, I've often found that managing numerous plugins complicates users' lives and impacts site performance. WPMasterToolKit was born out of this frustration: an all-in-one solution that makes life easier for developers and non-technical users alike, while guaranteeing speed and security. It's more than a plugin, it's a real toolbox for WordPress."
CTO, Webdeclic
Enjoy essential features for free, or upgrade to the Pro version to unlock the full potential of WPMasterToolKit.
A flexible and transparent solution to enhance your WordPress site.
- Advanced site management
- Enhanced safety
- Performance optimization
- Easy customization
- Access and user control
- Comments and access management
- Enhanced safety
- Notifications and administrative emails
- Downloading and tracking
Our users' opinions
I was shy about using this extension, as I was used to a competitor, but in the end, it's much better! More options, more practical, I validate ✅
1 plugin, not 5 or 10 or 18.... 1 single plugin that brings together so many small improvements. I was immediately won over by the number of features and the simplicity! Conclusion: updated all my "client" sites and cleaned up the database of useless plugins.
What's more, the dev is ready to listen to the community's views on the next steps. features to implement or improve. To try it is to adopt it!
A nice, light but powerful all-in-one plugin that adds many interesting features to WordPress Core, without the need to add many separate small plugins. It offers niche features rarely found in other similar plugins and receives regular new updates. Truly excellent!
The ultimate toolbox for your WordPress site. With an intuitive interface and features galore, it makes your life easier. No need to juggle loads of extensions, it's all there! WPMasterToolKit is like having a Swiss Army knife, only better!
Benefit from an intuitive user interface that simplifies site management, even for non-technical users. Activate only the features you need, without complexity.
Reduce reduction
Replace multiple plugins with a single, all-in-one solution, reducing costs while boosting performance and security.
Reduced risk of incompatibility between plugins
WPMasterToolKit combines essential functionality in a single plugin, eliminating conflicts between extensions.
No need to deal with incompatible updates or unforeseen bugs: everything is centralized, optimized and works in harmony to guarantee consistent performance and enhanced security.
Fair for Questions
Do you have any questions about MasterToolKit? Take a look at our list of frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, please contact us.
Is WPMasterToolKit suitable for beginners?
Yes, WPMasterToolKit is designed to be accessible to anyone, even without technical skills. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to activate or deactivate the features you want.
What features are included in the free version?
The free version offers the essential tools to manage and optimize your WordPress site. You can activate basic features and upgrade to the Pro version at any time to unlock advanced modules.
Does WPMasterToolKit slow down my site?
Absolutely not! With 0 active modules, there's virtually no impact on your site's resources. You only load the modules you need, guaranteeing optimal performance.
Can I use WPMasterToolKit on several sites?
The Pro version of WPMasterToolKit offers flexible licensing. Depending on the plan you choose, you can use it on one or more WordPress sites.
How easy is it to upgrade from the free to the Pro version?
Yes, WPMasterToolKit is designed to be accessible to anyone, even without technical skills. Its intuitive interface makes it easy to activate or deactivate the features you want.
Is WPMasterToolKit compatible with all themes and plugins?
Yes, our plugin is designed to work with the majority of WordPress themes and plugins. Thanks to its modular structure, it reduces the risk of incompatibility and guarantees worry-free use.