Public roadmap

To make WPMasterToolKit even better, we've put together this public roadmap. Any suggestion is welcome, and you can vote below to give a thumbs-up to the ones you'd like to see.

By filling in this form, you are contributing to the development of WPMasterToolKit. We retain some ideas and discard others, but we consider all suggestions. If your idea is accepted, it will appear in the roadmap and will eventually be integrated into the plugin.

Functionality category


  • Custom login design


    This module lets you customize the classic WordPress login page (/wp-login).

    Users suggestion
  • Admin Menu Organizer


    This module allows you to customize the order and display or not of the various menu items in the administration.

    Users suggestion
  • Search Replace in database


    Search and replace in database. This module is ideal for migration purposes.

    Users suggestion
  • Force SSL


    Enables SSL to be forced onto the site and mixed content problems to be resolved.

    Users suggestion
  • No theme switch


    Prohibits theme changes.

    Users suggestion
  • Image library


    Add quick access directly in media to image banks such as pexels, unsplash, pixabay, openverse, etc...

    Users suggestion
  • White Label CMS


    Allows you to remove the WordPress mentions visible everywhere and customize the visual appearance of the back office.

    Users suggestion
  • Captcha on login form


    Addition of a home-made captcha on the wp-login form.

    Users suggestion
  • Download medias as zip


    Downloads selected media as a zip file.

    Users suggestion
  • White label


    - Renames the WPMasterToolKit plugin in the list of extensions (when displayed). - Hide the WPMasterToolKit menu except for the selected user.

    Users suggestion
  • Password expiration


    Gives passwords a lifetime. Once the duration has expired, an invitation to change it is issued.

    Users suggestion
  • Media Trash


    Adds a media garbage can. Files and DB data are saved in a "recycle garbage can" folder, then deleted when the recycle garbage can is emptied.

    Users suggestion
  • Mail catcher


    Backup of outgoing mail via wp_mail in DB. Compatible with the "Disables Emails (wp_mail)" feature.

    Users suggestion
  • Post Type Switcher


    Module for changing the post type of any type of content

    Users suggestion


  • Detect security fail on extensions and theme


    A module to scan your site and notify you if an extension or theme has a security concern. We'll probably be relying on solid databases such as wpscan or patchstack.

    Users suggestion
  • Media Replacement


    Adds a button to the media view to replace it.

    Users suggestion
  • Disable plugin for debug


    Allows you to debug plugins by deactivating them under a single condition: - Either by IP - By user - By role

    Users suggestion
  • Temp login


    Features : - Temp login (creation of a user valid for X amount of time, with automatic deletion) - Login Without password (possibility of generating a connection link)

    Users suggestion
  • Post Type Switcher


    Allows you to change the post type on any CPT. For example, turn a blog post into a Page.

    Users suggestion
  • Comment on everything


    This module lets you add comments to any page on your site. It's the ideal way to test your website, without having to use a third-party tool. This module will only be available for selected roles.

    Users suggestion


  • Activity log


    - Log sensitive actions in back office. - Possibility of excluding a USER from logs. - Access to logs can be restricted to a specific user.

    Users suggestion