Published on
Dec 17, 2024
Updated on
Jan 02, 2025

Clean up your site's HTML code with WPMasterToolKit's "Disable Really Simple Discovery Tag" Module

WordPress automatically inserts a <link> called RSD (Really Simple Discovery) in the <head> tag of your site. This tag is used to enable external tools to discover services such as remote blog editing via XML-RPC. However, this functionality is often unnecessary for the majority of modern sites and can be safely removed to improve performance and secure your site. The module Disable Really Simple Discovery Tag of WPMasterToolKit facilitates this removal.

Why remove the RSD tag?

The RSD tag is rarely used today, except in specific cases involving remote blog editing tools:

  • Obsolete use : Most modern tools no longer use this tag, making its retention superfluous.
  • Performance: By removing the RSD tag, you can slightly reduce the size of the DOM and optimize your site.
  • Safety : Reducing the exposure of information on your site can limit potential points of attack.
Discover the module : Disable the WordPress shortlink tag

Main features of the Disable Really Simple Discovery Tag module

  1. Removing the RSD tag : The module disables the addition of the <link> RSD in section <head>.
  2. Automation : Once activated, it removes the RSD tag without requiring any additional configuration.
  3. Simplicity and efficiency: This module performs this specific task seamlessly, with no impact on your site's other functionalities.

How does the module work?

WordPress adds the RSD tag using the action rsd_link. The module Disable Really Simple Discovery Tag deactivates this action with the following hook:

  • Action remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' ); Removes the RSD tag from the section <head>.

How do I use the Disable Really Simple Discovery Tag module?

  1. Activate the : In the WPMasterToolKit dashboard, activate the module Disable Really Simple Discovery Tag.
  2. Automation : Once activated, the module automatically removes the RSD tag from your site.
  3. Check the result: Inspect your site's source code and note the absence of the RSD tag in the <head>.

Use cases

  • Modern sites : If you don't use remote blog editing tools, this tag is useless.
  • Performance optimization : Every little optimization helps improve your site's speed.
  • Increased safety : Reduce the public exposure of the services available on your site.

Technical documentation: the hook used

The module relies on a key action to remove the RSD tag:

  1. Action remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' );
    This action removes the <link> automatically added by WordPress for the RSD service.
    Example: remove_action( 'wp_head', 'rsd_link' );

Our technical choices

  • Universal compatibility : This module works with all modern versions of WordPress where the rsd_link is used.
  • Simplicity: No complex settings are required. The module works immediately after activation.
  • Targeted effectiveness : Designed to perform this specific task without interfering with other functions.
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The module Disable Really Simple Discovery Tag from WPMasterToolKit is ideal for site administrators who want to optimize their WordPress site by removing unnecessary HTML tags. If you don't use the XML-RPC service or remote blog editing tools, this module is a quick and efficient solution for cleaning up your code and improving performance.

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