Published on
Dec 17, 2024
Updated on
Dec 26, 2024

Quick Add Post module: Simplify the quick addition of content to WordPress

When managing a WordPress site, you can often find yourself publishing articles or pages quickly, especially on dynamic sites like blogs or news sites. To meet this need for agility, we've developed the Quick Add Post in WPMasterToolKit. This module aims to improve your user experience by simplifying and optimizing the rapid addition of content.

Which plugin can the "Quick Add Post" module replace?

This module is an excellent alternative to plugins such as Quick Draft or other extensions that add quick editing options, but often load unnecessary scripts or lack optimization. With Quick Add PostEverything is designed to be light and functional.

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Why was this module developed?

We've found that many existing plugins unnecessarily burden WordPress dashboards by injecting scripts and styles on all administrative pages, even when they're not needed. Quick Add Poston the other hand, loads its resources only when you need them, i.e. on pages for adding or editing content.

This improves your site's overall performance by reducing the number of unnecessary scripts in administration.

How the "Quick Add Post" module works

The module uses a JavaScript script specially designed to give you a fast, fluid experience when adding or editing content. Here's how it works in detail:

  1. Conditional script loading
    The necessary scripts and styles are loaded only on the relevant administration pages, such as article or page editing pages (post and page). This is made possible by checking the administrative context via the WordPress function get_current_screen.
  2. Script optimized for interaction
    The JavaScript file quick-add-post.js includes all the functions you need to quickly manage your posts. For example, it can automatically fill in certain fields according to context, or offer practical shortcuts to save time.
  3. Dynamic data with wp_localize_script
    We use the native function wp_localize_script to pass dynamic data to the client-side script. In this module, we use this technique to send the type of content being edited (article or page). This data can then be used in dynamic script interactions.
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How do I use the "Quick Add Post" module?

Step 1: Activate the module

Go to the WPMasterToolKit and activate the Quick Add Post.

Step 2: Using the quick editor

Once activated, this module integrates seamlessly into your administration interface. When you access the article or page editing page, the module's functionalities load automatically, allowing you to interact with your content more quickly and fluidly.

WordPress interface new page creation

Technical choices behind this module

1. Conditional resource loading

One of WPMasterToolKit is to offer maximum functionality while maintaining a fast, high-performance site. That's why we use a precise check of the administration context to load only the scripts and styles required. This reduces server-side resource consumption and improves loading times in the back-office.

2. Using the modern WordPress structure

The module uses the modern tools provided by WordPress, such as wp_enqueue_script and wp_localize_scriptto ensure optimum compatibility and a smooth user experience.

3. Simplicity and lightness

Unlike many third-party plugins, this module adds no unnecessary overhead. For example, no extra menus or widgets are added, allowing you to stay focused on the essentials.

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The module Quick Add Post from WPMasterToolKit is a simple solution to simplify and speed up the process of adding or editing content on your WordPress site.

Try it out today to discover how this little tool can make a big difference to the management of your WordPress site.

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