Published on
Dec 26, 2024
Updated on
03 Jan 2025

Discover WPMasterToolKit's Duplicate Menu module

The use of menus in WordPress is crucial to the navigation of any website. However, sometimes you might need to duplicate existing menus to save time and effort. That's why we've developed the Duplicate Menu in our WPMasterToolKit suite. This module simplifies the process of copying menus, minimizing the risk of error when you want to reproduce the menu structure on different pages or sections of your site.

Which plugins can the Duplicate Menu module replace?

There are several plugins on the market offering similar functionality to our Duplicate Menu module, such as "Duplicate Menu" or "Menu Duplicator". However, our module is part of the all-in-one WPMasterToolKit suite, allowing you to activate only the features you need without having to install multiple plugins that would weigh down your site.

Discover the module : Export articles and pages

How does the Duplicate Menu module work?

WPMasterToolKit's Duplicate Menu module introduces a user-friendly interface to the WordPress dashboard for managing the duplication of your menus. Once the module is activated, a submenu appears below the main WPMasterToolKit menu in the admin dashboard. This addition allows users to easily select an existing menu, name the new menu, and duplicate content in a single click using AJAX to avoid reloading the page.

How to use this module

To use the Duplicate Menu module, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to "WPMasterToolKit Settings" in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Select the "Duplicate Menu" option.
  3. Select the menu you wish to duplicate from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter a name for the new duplicated menu.
  5. Click on the "Duplicate Menu" button.
  6. A success message will inform you when the duplication is complete.
WordPress menu duplication interface
WordPress menu duplication interface.

An overview of the technical choices behind the module

A key point in the design of this module is the use of actions wp_ajax_ for menu manipulation via AJAX. This allows users to interact with the interface without requiring a full page refresh, improving user experience and efficiency. To secure these interactions, we use WordPress nonces, ensuring that malicious or unwanted actions are prevented.

In addition, the module uses its own error handling to ensure that the user is clearly informed if an error occurs during menu duplication.

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The Duplicate Menu module integrated into WPMasterToolKit aims to provide a practical and efficient solution for managing menus in WordPress. Thanks to an intuitive interface and robust functionality, duplicating your menus becomes a quick and easy task. This allows you to concentrate on other essential aspects of your website without worrying about the inconvenience of menu management.

Documentation on custom hooks

wp_ajax_wpmastertoolkit-duplicate-menu-actionThis hook is used to connect the duplicate_menu to an AJAX request, ensuring that processing takes place without page reloads. Make sure you understand how AJAX works in WordPress to customize or extend this feature.

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