Published on
Dec 17, 2024
Updated on
Dec 27, 2024

Debug Your WordPress Hooks and Filters with WPMasterToolKit's Hook and Filter Debugger Module

Hooks and filters are at the heart of WordPress, allowing developers to extend and customize functionality without directly modifying the core system. However, it can be difficult to understand in what order these hooks and filters execute, and what callbacks are associated with them. To solve this problem, we developed the Hook and Filter Debugger in WPMasterToolKit.

Why use this module?

The module Hook and Filter Debugger gives you a detailed, visual view of all active hooks and filters on a WordPress page. It lets you quickly identify the associated callbacks, their priority and order of execution. This makes it an essential tool for debugging or optimizing your themes and plugins.

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Hook and Filter Debugger main features

  1. Displaying hooks and filters : Displays the complete list of actions and filters executed on a given page, along with their order of execution.
  2. Callback analysis : Identifies the functions or methods attached to each hook or filter, with their priority.
  3. Intuitive navigation : Adds a button in the administration bar to easily activate/deactivate the display of hooks and filters.
  4. Exclusion of certain hooks : Common hooks that are useless for debugging (such as body_class) are automatically ignored to make the results easier to read.
  5. Hierarchical view : Presents hooks and their associated callbacks in a clear structure.

How do I use the Hook and Filter Debugger module?

  1. Activate the : From the WPMasterToolKit dashboard, activate the module Hook and Filter Debugger.
  2. Display hooks:
    • Click on the "Show Actions" or "Show Actions & Filters" button in the administration bar.
    • The list of hooks and filters is displayed directly on the current page.
  3. Analyze the data:
    • Each hook is identified by its name.
    • The callbacks associated with each hook are listed with their priority and originating class or method.
  4. Disable display: Re-click on the button in the admin bar to hide the data.
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Use cases

  • Advanced debugging : Quickly identify conflicts between plugins by viewing hooks and their callbacks.
  • Performance optimization : Analyze priorities and avoid unnecessary or redundant runs.
  • Custom development : Gain a better understanding of hook execution order to build optimal functionality.

Technical documentation: the hooks used

The module uses native WordPress hooks to capture and display data from actions and filters:

  1. Filter all
    Captures all hooks (actions and filters) executed on a given page.
    Example: add_filter( 'all', array( $this, 'hook_all_hooks' ), 100 );
  2. Action shutdown
    Used to display data collected at the end of the WordPress loading cycle.
    Example: add_action( 'shutdown', array( $this, 'filter_hooks_panel' ) );
  3. Administration bar :
    A button is added to the administration bar via the action admin_bar_menu for quick access to module functions.

Our technical choices

  • Clarity and legibility: Unnecessary hooks (such as body_class) are excluded to make the results easier to read.
  • Easy to use : The module is easily activated and deactivated via the administration bar.
  • Optimized performance : Hook data is collected in a non-intrusive way, ensuring that the module has no impact on your site's performance.
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The module Hook and Filter Debugger is an indispensable tool for WordPress developers and administrators. It gives you an in-depth understanding of how hooks and filters work on your site, so you can quickly debug your developments and optimize your projects. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, this module simplifies the work of debugging and customizing WordPress.

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