Published on
Dec 17, 2024
Updated on
08 Jan 2025

Disable All Updates on WordPress with WPMasterToolKit

WordPress includes regular updates for its core, plugins, themes and even translation files. While these updates are important for security and new features, they're not always right for every site. For example, on mission-critical sites where stability is paramount, or test environments where automatic updates could disrupt configuration, it is sometimes necessary to disable updates entirely. The Disable All Updates WPMasterToolKit is designed to meet this need, effectively disabling all associated updates and notifications.

Why disable updates on WordPress?

Here are a few cases where disabling updates can be useful:

  1. Guaranteed stability Automatic updates may introduce errors or incompatibilities. On critical sites, it is preferable to manage updates manually after thorough testing.
  2. Sensitive production sites : On sites where every modification must be validated, such as online stores or complex platforms, automatic updates should be avoided.
  3. Test or development environments You want to maintain a fixed environment for development or testing, without disrupting updates.
  4. Remove unnecessary notifications Update notifications can be annoying for administrators or customers who don't need this information.
Discover the module : Disable REST API

Features of the Disable All Updates module

The module Disable All Updates completely disables WordPress updates, whether for core, plugins, themes or translations. Here are its main features:

Disabling WordPress updates

  • Core updates Block major and minor WordPress core updates.
  • Theme and plugin updates Prevent themes and plugins from being updated, either automatically or manually.
  • Translation file updates Disables language file updates to prevent changes to translations.

Disabling automatic updates

  • Disables automatic updates for core, themes, plugins and translations.
  • Removes hooks and scheduled tasks for automatic updates.

Remove notifications and version checks

  • Suppresses update alerts on the dashboard.
  • Disables version checks and periodic requests to servers.

Deleting update emails

  • Blocks automatic emails sent by WordPress for updates or error notifications.

Modifying the administration interface

  • Deletes the submenu "Updates in the WordPress dashboard.
Dashboard with update notification

Exclusion of site health checks

  • Disables update tests in the tool Site healthavoiding unnecessary notifications or recommendations.

How to use this module

  1. Installation : Install and activate the plugin WPMasterToolKit on your WordPress site.
  2. Module activation Activate the "Disable All Updates" module from the list of modules.
  3. Automation Once activated, the module supports complete deactivation of updates, notifications and associated checks. No additional configuration is required.
Screenshot of the Elementor plugin update.

Our technical choices for this module

Management via native hooks and filters

The module uses filters such as pre_transient_update_plugins, pre_transient_update_themes and automatic_updater_disabled to intercept and disable updates at their source. This guarantees maximum compatibility with WordPress.

Stability and performance

By eliminating update checks and notifications, the module also reduces the load on the server and speeds up the administration interface.

Safety preserved

Although automatic updates are disabled, administrators retain full control to manually apply updates after testing in secure environments.

Money-back guarantee
risk-free at 100 %!


The module Disable All Updates from WPMasterToolKit is ideal for site administrators who wish to completely disable automatic updates and associated notifications. It offers total control over site versions while simplifying the interface and eliminating distractions. Try it today to guarantee maximum stability for your WordPress site!

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